Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Be FEARLESS: The Risk Taker

In this age of high end technologies, cut throat competition and politics involved in the offices for climbing up the growth ladder in professional fronts, being fearless seems to be a difficult approach at the first glance, but if you be the one, I bet, you will definitely unleash a new you.  It is way better to follow the path of fearlessness instead of involving ourselves in all the other related tabs i.e. flattering, gossiping and all. Let’s check out if being fearless helps in any way in our daily life, to keep ourselves calm, to find our solace, to maintain the sanity in tough times.  

We all know the meaning of fear. We are not talking about the fear from paranormal activities or hallucinations. Let me introduce you the full form of fear.

F-E-A-R- has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise’. The choice is yours.        - Zig Ziglar

Fear in practical life resembles our insecurities e.g. insecurity of losing our job, life partner, financial insecurity etc.

Do you ever think what negative role do these tiny insecurities play in our life? They subconsciously train our mind to believe that in the event of happening a particular event, we may lose an important thing and after losing that very thing, we won’t be able to survive, we won’t be able to cope up with our lives. I used the words ‘negative role’ for them, because they restrain us to take risks. They pull us back from doing anything which may have fruitful results.

Sometimes, we create a stupid situation in our mind and don’t take the requisite steps. We keep our expression of opinion within ourselves. Sometimes, we are so pissed off at our professional front; we take all shitty things on us, just to keep everyone happy around us. We listen for the mistakes, which actually would not have committed by us and best part is, we have had the knowledge of this fact, even then we don’t speak up. And in between all the chaos around us, we lose our sanity. We think and think again as to what went wrong? Here, I ask you, why?

Can’t we afford being fearless? Can’t we come out of our fears and insecurities? Can’t we take stand for ourselves or even for others, if they are right? Can’t we quit the current unsatisfactory placement just because we are afraid of getting a new one and even if we get a new place, just because we are not sure if we’ll be able to cope up with the newness, to survive in the new environment with the new colleagues?

Revisit your LIMITS

If you forget, let me remind you a simple fact of your being a human and for you, SKY IS THE LIMIT. Now with this mindset, take all the examples referred to above and revaluate your decisions. And believe me if we take decisions keeping all our insecurities aside, we do the same work more efficiently, attracting more prosperity and relatively more satisfaction. The fearless outlook flips the results altogether.


Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. Being fearless is most powerful state of mind. It boosts your confidence. The moment when your confidence is high and you are ready to take risks, things start changing.

Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless. Expand your limits.

One who is not afraid of losing anything can afford all the risks. If you really are eager to achieve something, try taking risks.  I am not suggesting you to take risks without any planning. No doubt, risk-taking can lead to big wins, but it's equally wise to be choosy and look before you leap. Every risk has something to teach us. It may either be success or failure, no other way out. Even the failures give us lessons and afford us a chance of grabbing the opportunity with better precision. Just don’t make decisions in the state of fear and keep fluttering your wings without any fear, coz SKY IS YOUR LIMIT.


  1. Such a nice blog. Have a good takeaway that keep on trying to achieve success. Very motivational.

  2. It's really an impactive Blog. And I am surprised that within a little time, you started blogging like a professional blogger. Great Job 👍

  3. Yes, totally agree with you.Who so ever has achieved something significant in his/her life, he/she took some risk for it.

  4. Your blogs are amazing
    but Meaning of fear.

  5. Face everything and rise, this is my choice. Your all posts are inspirational.

  6. Nice thoughts written flawlessly

  7. You have covered almost all the resplendent, captious and suggestive aspects of fearlessness. Time tests the integrity and values of the individual. Some beautiful words like fearless implore to be followed honestly, but unfortunately almost all the person compromise with the situation. Man is a social animal. If an individual is a husband, father, mother, son and daughter etc., Can he/she afford insecurities? Even the husband/wife may not share their view fearlessly. However, the complacency of individual without any personal interest taking himself above to every relation may help to become fearless. Is it so easy to become fearless? My observation negates the said question. Can we withstand fearlessly in whole life? I have also not met any person so far. If an individual out of million people becomes fearless, can we say the society (a group of individual) as a fearless society? Where, the society, Authorities and family have embedded their own principles and interests, whether they will let you live fearlessly or they will not treat the individual as burden. Fearlessness consists of truth, honesty and demands to act for the welfare of everyone. If we became selective, compromise with the situation and failed to follow any component, we are plummeted with the identity of fearlessness.
    My observation based on the practical life should not be considered as criticism.

    1. I really appreciate for sharing your views here.

      Every person may have a different aspect about fearlessness. But as far as, I understand, being fearless does not mean being uncontrollable, it does not even mean being irrational. Obviously, you can't harm anyone taking the shelter of you being fearless. Of course, MAN IS A SOCIAL ANIMAL, you are totally right, each and every word or action is going to impact the society. We are interdependent for our needs. We must be careful before taking any action. But this does not mean to live a life of a spiritless person. Fortunately, I have many examples of fearless people around me. They don’t poke into everybody’s matter, nor they mistreat others and they are doing well in their relations too. The key is to balance everything. Adopting a fearless outlook does not give us the licence to be a scourge for everyone around us.

      If we talk about a group of people, we can understand this by a simple example of protesters. Putting forth the opinion in a decent way is all good; it does not involve any destruction. But putting the same opinion in a rageful manner, destroying the govt. properties, school, colleges around is shameful. Both are the examples of being fearless, one consists of non-violence, the other consists of violence. The choice is yours, which one is to be adopted.

      Hope this has clarified my perspective. :)


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