Saturday, June 20, 2020

FATHER: An Epitome of Unconditional Love and Care

I wrote about mothers on mother’s day, thought of writing about fathers also on this special day.

Father’s day is a day of honouring fathers, brothers, uncles or any other male figure in our life. It has been celebrated worldwide on the third Sunday of June every year since June, 1910, when the idea of recognizing the contributions and sacrifices was first originated in United States. Remarkably, this gesture has been given a warm welcome in India as well and we do celebrate this day expressing our love, adoration and gratitude towards these special people.

From the bachelorhood to a married man and then to a father, their journey flips about 180 degree.  In our society, men have a pre-settled set of responsibilities which are actually born with them on their birth. They are always taught for giving their best for the family, to be most selfless person for their relatives.

They are programmed as a problem solver in every aspect of life. This type of upbringing makes them unaware about their own needs, their own wishes.

Father is another name of highest sense of responsibility.  They give their best to serve their family irrespective of their own discomforts. They sacrifice, sacrifice and sacrifice without even letting anyone know their aches and pains. They endow us with all the latest facilities available within his reach. 

When I talk about fathers, I saw only a few of them who are actually aware about their likes and dislikes. I mean, I do not even remember when my own father purchased a handkerchief or a pair of socks for himself. They are so submerged into the fulfillment of family’s needs that they actually do not care about themselves.  They know our requirements even prior to us.  They are the simplest yet most elegant personalities on this Earth.

The forgotten HERO

Though they are a bit rigid sometimes but they are more like a coconut, hard from the surface but softer at heart. Almost half of their life goes in molding themselves as the best of humankind for their children. They are the hero for all of us. They are best specimen of strength.  They work as the best machinery for boosting the fuel of confidence in us. Father is the first realized sense of security. Whenever, he is around, we are assured of our safety.

Father is an unsung hero. He is the person who allows us to experiment our life in our own way and pulls us up when we fall. He allows us to get angry on him and later, pour his adoration even more than earlier. He lets us seeing the world our own way and then put forth his views. He never imposes his rules on us, in fact, he permits us to choose our own path. He is always with us, specially when we are in need. He settles his routine according to his family’s schedule. He teaches us our own strengths, our power to achieve everything we wish. He inculcates all the goodness in us. He instills all the good values in our life. No matter, how tall we become but we always look upto him in odd times. In fact, I believe that it’s his teachings only which shape up our mindset in difficult times.

In short, their sacrifices and contributions to world are innumerable. A father means many things, a compassionate heart, source of strength, source of inspiration, supporting hand right from the beginning. He has no comparisons, no replacements. His love for his kids is no lesser than a mother.

On this special day, I salute all the FATHERS and male father-like figures for all your support, kind heartiness, compassion, love, strength towards your family, the society and the world at large.

A shout-out to all the fathers out there from my side - YOU ALL ARE SPECIAL, YOU ALL ARE AWESOME!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Can FAITH move Mountains?

What faith actually is?

Faith is an invisible power; it needs no senses, just an unwavering heart to yield the magic.

Jesus said in Bible, “Have faith in God! If you have faith in God and don’t doubt, you can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will. Everything you ask for in prayer will be yours, if you only have faith” (CEV). Faith can move mountains!

Universe has many laws and among them, the law of faith is higher than the law of natures. Law of faith can actually do those miracles which the law of physics cannot even perceive.

We all have read the story in our schools, ‘A letter to God’.  For a quick memory brush up, here is a summarized version. Lencho, the farmer, whose corn fields were destroyed by the hailstorm, left with no hope from all corners and he wrote a letter to God with all his faith for 100 pesos (money). It was a letter written to God. The Postmaster, having read the letter moved by the faith of the writer and decided to answer the letter to keep the writer’s faith intact. The post office employees collected money and delivered them to Lencho. So moral of the story is that an intense faith attracts inexplicable positive results.

Even in daily life, we see many examples of faith. When we come out for office, we see our kids and wave a see you in the evening! What’s that? Obviously an intact faith. We do not know as to what would happen next, but we have that unacknowledged faith that we’ll return and see our child in the evening.

We raise our children keeping a faith that they’ll surely achieve some good in life ahead. We start a business with the faith that it will run profitably. We can see faith infact in every sphere of life.

None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith. – Paulo Coelho

Faith opens the door to miracles. Faith has no space for doubts. It’s an unshakable trust. Intense faith when mixed with efforts brings miraculous results. Faith is the inspiration of taking the first step towards our journey to the plan we chalked out for goals.

How to Cultivate Faith

Now, when we are aware of the importance of Faith, we must possess it. The question arises, how to cultivate faith? Can it be developed? Well, the answer is yes.

Have you ever heard about the self affirmations? Affirmations are the positive thoughts translated into the shape of statements. The statements may also be the outlines of what you desire.

To make my point clearer, let me quote the words of one famous criminologist When men first come into contact with crime, they abhor it. If they remain in contact with crime for a time, they become accustomed to it and endure it. If they remain in contact with it long enough, they finally embrace it and become influenced by it.

It is equally correct to say that any thought which is passed repeatedly to the subconscious mind is finally, accepted and acted upon by the subconscious mind.

Every single thought which is backed and powered by the faith, immediately begin to create its physical equivalent or counterpart.

Now, here comes a hack from which we get our answer to the question as to how can we foster faith. Provide yourself with the positive affirmations repeatedly.  Do not ever say that I cannot do this or that. Never remind yourself of your actual incapability. Just positive affirmations and experience the phenomenal changes.


I know that no matter where we stand in our life, we want better. There is no end of human’s desire and goals. Keep them lit and allow yourself to sail through all the hindrances coming around with the power of faith. Intense faith has great power. As is said that FAITH CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS, we should try and build the desired faith again to work upon our forgotten aims. 

FATHER: An Epitome of Unconditional Love and Care

  I wrote about mothers on mother’s day, thought of writing about fathers also on this special day. Father’s day is a day of h...